rue21 Outlet store in North Bend Premium Outlets (Washington)

461 South Fork Avenue SW, North Bend, WA 98045
Store name:
461 South Fork Avenue SW, North Bend, WA 98045
Outlet mall:
Contact phone:
(425) 888-2021
Women's Fashions; Men's Fashions; Men's & Women's Fashions; Accessories;

Information & Events

rue21 is a leading specialty retailer offering the latest fashion for girls and guys. We continue to strive for the best selection while offering a competitive pricing strategy. As new goods arrive daily, our choices of style are always fun and affordable for that fashion-conscious customer. We make a specific, unique statement by offering fashion, quality and value!

rue21 outlet store is in North Bend Premium Outlets located on 461 South Fork Avenue SW, North Bend, WA 98045

List of all events & discounts in rue21 store.

Map and Directions

Directions to rue21:

Shopping hours

Store hours:
    • Monday to Saturday
    • 10am - 9pm
    • Sunday
    • 10am - 7pm

Outlet mall hours:
Monday-Saturday: 10:00am - 9:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am - 7:00pm