Lodi Station Outlets

Lodi Station Outlets (Ohio)

9911 Avon Lake Road Lodi, OH 44254
(3.1, 110 votes)
Outlet mall's name:
Lodi Station Outlets
9911 Avon Lake Road Lodi, OH 44254
Number of stores:

Information & Events - Lodi Station Outlets

Famous for it's factory outlet stores, Lodi Station Outlets offers great bargains and outstanding dining opportunities. Lodi Station Outlets is in Ohio, city . Lodi Station Outlets is situated on adress 9911 Avon Lake Road Lodi, OH 44254
Find and choose store on the list below placed at Lodi Station Outlets. List contains the best brand names and designer stores.

Shopping hours

Mon-Sat 10 am - 9 pm
Sunday 11 am - 6 pm
Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter

Map and Directions

Directions to Lodi Station Outlets: From Cleveland South on I-71 to Route 83 (exit 204) From Akron west on I-76 to I-71. South on I-71 to Route 83 (exit 204) From Canton North on I-77 to I-76. West on I-76 to I-71. South on I-71 to Route 83 (exit 204) From Columbus North on I-71 to Route 83 (exit 204)