Great Lakes Crossing

Great Lakes Crossing (Michigan)

4000 Baldwin Road, Auburn Hills, MI 48326, Michigan
(3.1, 74 votes)
Outlet mall's name:
Great Lakes Crossing
4000 Baldwin Road, Auburn Hills, MI 48326, Michigan
Number of stores:
Contact phone:
(+1) 248 / 4545000

Information & Events - Great Lakes Crossing

Great Lakes Crossing offer more than 92 brand name factory outlet stores. Great Lakes Crossing is located on 4000 Baldwin Road, Auburn Hills, MI 48326, Michigan.
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Shopping hours

Mo-Sa.: 10.00 am - 9.00 pm, So.: 11.00 am - 6.00 pm

Map and Directions

Directions to Great Lakes Crossing: I-75 N to exit 83. Turn left onto Joslyn Rd. Turn right onto Lake Angelus Rd. and follow to mall entrance. Or take I-75 S to exit 84. Turn right onto Baldwin Rd.