Gap Factory Outlet store in Queenstown Premium Outlets (Maryland)

441 Outlet Center Drive Queenstown, MD 21658
Store name:
441 Outlet Center Drive Queenstown, MD 21658
Outlet mall:
Contact phone:
(410) 827-7149
Women's Fashions; Men's Fashions; Men's & Women's Fashions; Children's & Infant Fashions; Accessories;

Information & Events

Gap Factory makes saving stylish with our unique line of clothing designed exclusively for Factory and offered at an incredible value.

Gap Factory outlet store is in Queenstown Premium Outlets located on 441 Outlet Center Drive Queenstown, MD 21658

List of all events & discounts in Gap Factory store.

Map and Directions

Directions to Gap Factory:

Shopping hours

Store hours:
    • Monday to Saturday
    • 10am - 9pm
    • Sunday
    • 10am - 8pm

Outlet mall hours:
Monday-Saturday: 10:00am - 9:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am - 8:00pm