Charlotte Russe

Charlotte Russe Outlet store in Gurnee Mills (Illinois)

6170 W Grand Ave, Gurnee, IL 60031-4548
Store name:
6170 W Grand Ave, Gurnee, IL 60031-4548
Outlet mall:
Contact phone:
(847) 855-1800
Next to VF Outlet and Deb

Information & Events

Charlotte Russe outlet store is in Gurnee Mills located on 6170 W Grand Ave, Gurnee, IL 60031-4548

The halls of high school can be a scary place. From bullies to the popular crowd and everything in between, sometimes blending in seems like a good idea. It’s not. Stand out in the crowd with the help of The clothing site boasts the best in teen styles, sure to make an impression, in school or out. Discover the trendy treasures at, filled with a generous assortment of everything from jeans and tops to the hottest dresses. Charlotte Russe offers is affordable style at its best.

List of all events & discounts in Charlotte Russe store.

Map and Directions

Directions to Charlotte Russe:

Shopping hours

Mon to Fri 10am - 9pm
Sat 10am - 9:30pm
Sun 11am - 7pm