Information & Events

For three generations Timberland has built a reputation for making rugged outdoor gear. In 1973, we introduced the first Timberland waterproof leather boot, setting new standards for craftsmanship, durability and protection for the outdoors. Well-crafted, dependable and authentic, it stands as a symbol for everything Timberland makes. Whether it’s for men, women or kids, Timberland gear is built with a passion for the outdoors that’s reflected in our commitment to the environment—to get you outdoors comfortably. And confidently.
Timberland outlet store is in Orlando Premium Outlets - International Dr located on 4951 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819
List of all events & discounts in Timberland store.
Map and Directions
Directions to Timberland: From Disney World
Head east on I-4 to exit 75A (Universal). Continue to International Drive, thenturn left. Mall is located at the north end of International Drive.
From Downtown Orlando
Head west on I-4 towards Tampa to the 75A exit (Universal). Continue to International Drive, then turn left. Mall is located at the north end of International Drive.
Shopping hours
- Monday to Saturday
- 10am - 11pm
- Sunday
- 10am - 9pm
Outlet mall hours:
Monday-Sunday: 10:00am - 11:00pm