Shasta Outlets

Shasta Outlets (California)

1699 Highway 273, Anderson, CA 96007, California
(3.9, 28 votes)
Outlet mall's name:
Shasta Outlets
1699 Highway 273, Anderson, CA 96007, California
Number of stores:

Information & Events - Shasta Outlets

Shasta Outlets offer more than 25 brand name factory outlet stores. Shasta Outlets is located on 1699 Highway 273, Anderson, CA 96007, California.
Here are a list of factory stores, information about mall hours and location. Please choose outlet store from list below to view details (contact, store hours, location, map and more).

Shopping hours

Monday-Saturday 9:30am-8:00pm
Sunday 11:00am-6:00pm

Map and Directions

Directions to Shasta Outlets: I-5 to Hwy. 273 to Factory Outlets Dr.