Information & Events

For three generations Timberland has built a reputation for making rugged outdoor gear. In 1973, we introduced the first Timberland waterproof leather boot, setting new standards for craftsmanship, durability and protection for the outdoors. Well-crafted, dependable and authentic, it stands as a symbol for everything Timberland makes. Whether it’s for men, women or kids, Timberland gear is built with a passion for the outdoors that’s reflected in our commitment to the environment—to get you outdoors comfortably. And confidently.
Timberland outlet store is in Livermore Premium Outlets (Paragon Outlets) located on 2774 Paragon Outlets Drive, Livermore, CA 94551
List of all events & discounts in Timberland store.
Map and Directions
Directions to Timberland:
Shopping hours
- Monday to Saturday
- 10am - 9pm
- Sunday
- 10am - 7pm
Outlet mall hours:
Monday-Saturday: 10:00am - 9:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am - 7:00pm