Store name:
6200 Grand River Blvd East, Leeds, AL 35094
Outlet mall:
Contact phone:
(205) 699-3700 (outlet mall information center)
Information & Events

Burger King outlet store is in The Outlet Shops of Grand River located on 6200 Grand River Blvd East, Leeds, AL 35094
Have it your way at The international fast food chain offers tasty burgers, including its signature Whopper, which is cooked flame-fresh style. At, you can check out the restaurant's menu and nutritional information. The site also features a Burger King locator, fun videos and information on the BK Crown Card.
List of all events & discounts in Burger King store.
Map and Directions
Directions to Burger King:
Shopping hours
SU 12pm-6pm
MO 10am-9pm
TU 10am-9pm
WE 10am-9pm
TH 10am-9pm
FR 10am-9pm
SA 10am-9pm
MO 10am-9pm
TU 10am-9pm
WE 10am-9pm
TH 10am-9pm
FR 10am-9pm
SA 10am-9pm